Flexible stainless steel pipe with EPDM insulation AEROSOLAR
Flexiblestainless steel tubesAEROSOLARare designed for indoorand outdoordistributionof gasand liquidmedia.
They are particularlysuitable forsolderingboilers, water heaters,solarandair conditioning systems,heat pumps,plumbing,etc.Due to its largesurfacecanalso be used forthe production ofheat exchanger.Completeinterconnection systemindimensionfromDN12 toDN50.
Fittings - easy coupling and CLICK ON
Easy coupling fittings andfittings CLICK ONwithout toolsandadditionalseals.It servesas a link between corrugated stainlesssteel pipelines systemsas wellasfor solderingcopper,ordirectlytocollectors,boilers, storage tanks andheat pumps.Different dimensionsfrom DN12(1/2") to DN40(2").
Dimensions DN16 a DN 20 1 set = 4 pcs Content: 4 fasteners, 4 combisrews, 4 brackets